Yard Drain (Storm Drain) Cleaning Services in North Park, CA
Completed February 2024
Location North Park, CA
Commercial customer called us out to assist with an apartment complex’s storm drain system that was not draining properly and causing a bit of flooding to the property. While on-site, the technician did an investigation and realized that the biggest issues causing the flooding to this property were due to a clogged exit point at the curb (on the street). Once the problem was centralized, the technician used a hydro jetter to clear and clean the storm drain exit point of roots and debris. Once free and clear, the technician used a camera to inspect the service. The technician noticed more debris and dirt within the pipe further up from the exit point as well. As a result, the technician then proceeded to fully clear and clean the remaining storm drain system. A camera was used again to ensure the storm drain pipe was clear and restored to maximum flow capacity.