Sewer Drain Cleaning in San Diego, CA
Completed September 2024
Location College Area, San Diego, CA
Property manager called us out to clear a mainline sewer stoppage that was affecting the entire house. Upon arrival, the technician confirmed that all drains were backed up. After investigating, the technician could not find an accessible surface level clean out, so he had to jump on the roof and attempt to access the clog through an accessible roof vent. After locating the mainline roof vent, the technician was able to utilize a cable snake through this access point. After several passes with the cable snake, the technician was able to clear the clog, and the drains were able to flow again. Once the technician pulled the cable snake out, he viewed a large amount of baby wipes that were flushed down the pipe. Due to the poor condition of the cast iron pipes on the existing sewer, the technician strongly recommended that the baby wipes are not flushed down the toilet or this situation could happen again, sooner than later. A water test was performed to ensure proper flow was restored.